Blossom Clinic is dedicated to improving the health of all women. Our registered nurse and qualified naturopath, Karen Chipperton has over thirty years of practical experience in women’s health, and she is passionate about helping women lead full pain-free productive lives. Karen’s many qualifications (nursing, nutrition, Homeopathy, Chinese Diagnosis, Reflexology, Kinesiology and Reiki) make her the perfect choice for women of all ages. Karen can help with the following issues:
- Hormonal balance – hormones get out of balance for a myriad of reasons. When this happens, it can cause major discomfort and mental issues. Hormones can be rebalanced naturally with dietary changes, supplementation and homeopathic remedies
- PMS and Ovarian Cycle Syndrome – many women experience pain and mental and emotional disturbance during their menstrual cycle. Vitamins, minerals and herbal preparations are an effective treatment and will not interfere with your natural cycle
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – this condition affects five to ten percent of women. PCOS interferes with the menstrual cycle and is one of the most common causes of infertility. PCOS can lead to excess hair growth, weight problems, skin problems, miscarriages and infertility. The condition is treatable with dietary changes and natural fertility treatments
- Endometriosis – this condition can cause pain, infertility, fatigue, gastrointestinal upsets, allergies and frequent yeast infections. Natural treatments focus on dietary changes and phytotherapy
- Natural Conception Program – our naturopath will help you plan a healthy pregnancy
- Natural Contraception Program – a healthy alternative
- Thyroid disorders – these can be caused by dietary and environmental factors, or may be the result of a genome mutation which can be revealed with MTHFR testing
- Autoimmune diseases – resolving autoimmune disorders will help lift your energy levels and strengthen your body’s defences against illness
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – dietary changes, homeopathic remedies, and targeted supplementation can help relieve the symptoms of CFS
- Menopausal health – we create treatment plans to help you through the hot flushes and mood swings. We continue to support our clients through each stage of menopause, and we include a programme to ensure bone density is protected
- Arthritis – a debilitating condition in all of its forms, arthritis has no cure, but the pain and discomfort can be alleviated with natural therapies
- Heart and Cardiovascular health – genetics, environment, diet and stress can affect cardiovascular health. Appropriate testing pinpoints the areas in your life that need to be addressed to protect your cardiovascular system
- Anxiety and depression – hormonal imbalances, stress, bad diet, genetics and lifestyle choices can all lead to anxiety and depression. There are a variety of effective natural therapies available to help control these conditions
Our personal service is unique, and we are extremely proud of our patient’s successes, so we like to share their testimonies and case studies with our prospective clients. See for yourself what can be achieved with personalised natural therapies from a qualified practitioner who cares deeply for her patients. Blossom Clinic is situated in a lovely location in Warrandyte, Melbourne with off-street parking available, so why not contact us today to make a booking.